I LOVE how Rex’s BYU-I graduation portraits turned out!  It was so easy getting great shots of him.  We decided to take his portraits in the BYUI Center on campus because it’s March in Rexburg Idaho (which means cold and windy).  The lighting in the I-center was just beautiful and the neutral colors made it a perfect background for BYUI graduation pictures!

MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS
MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS
MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS
MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS
MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS
MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS
MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS
MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS\
MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS
MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS MalorieAaron, photography, graduation, portraits, BYU-Idaho, ICenter, indoor, winter, BYUI, guy, LDS